Thursday 14 March 2013

bluetooth and wifi

Bluetooth can be defined as a wireless form of communication that enables devices to send and receive communication. It is a global initiative set up by manufacturers such as IBM, Intel, Ericsson, Toshiba and Nokia to create a standard for linking up devices such asmobile phones, mobile PCs, handheld computersand other peripherals. Bluetooth relies on short-range radio technology toallow the wireless connectivity. The key features of Bluetooth are robustness, low power and low cost. Both data and voice transmissions can be handled simultaneously. Examples of innovative solutions which users can perform include printing or faxing capabilities, synchronising PDA, laptop or computer and making or receiving calls from a mobile phone, with many more applications available.
Wifi is short for 'wirelessfidelity' and is a limited-range wireless networking code which isused in many airports, hotels or other services, who offer public access to Wifi networks, to allow people to log on to the Internet and receive emails whilst on the move. As Wifi is a reasonably fast method of transmitting information in wave form, it is often used in computers and also notebooks. In future, it will become possible to access the Internet from just about anywhere, without the use of any wires. The advantages of using Wifiare that the networks are fairly cheap and straight-forward to set up. Wifi is also quite inconspicuous and can hardly be noticed unless it is being looked for specifically, whilst in a Wifi 'hotspot.' For a wireless network to be created, communication is transferred like a two way radio, using radio waves.
Both Bluetooth and Wifi have both been in the news more especially in recent years. Both technologies are relatively new on the market and, with time, atrend may be seen favouring one or the other. As more and moreBluetooth devices become available, most people will own devices for Bluetooth and Wifi. There are several advantages for opting for Bluetooth networkingover Wifi and vice-versa. WiFi and Bluetooth are actually very different technologies with very different reasons to exist. The question should not be Bluetooth versus Wifi but more how Bluetooth can work with Wifi.

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