Thursday 21 March 2013

use locative case in english to hindi

The locative case marks the position or location of objects :

Here are some sample sentences :

She sat on the horse : वह घोड़े पर बैठी

The paper is on the table: कागज़ मेज़ पर है

My clothes are on the roof : मेरे कपड़े छत पर हैं

The common word in all these sentences is पर.
In all these sentences, पर indicates that the object will be in the locative case.
For example, in the sentence, “The paper is on the table”, “table” ( मेज़ ) is in the locative case. Similarly, “horse” ( घोड़े ) in the sentence “She sat on the horse” is in the locative and “roof”( छत ) in “My clothes are on the roof” is also in the locative. Notice that in these three sentences, the word “on” in English was translated as पर in Hindi. However, sometimes, the use of पर doesn’t sound quite right if you use the English “of”.

Here are some examples:
I eat at the table : मैं मेज पर खाना खाता हूँ

His office is some distance from here : उसका दफ़्तर यहाँ से कुछ दुरी पर है

In general, the sentence would make more sense to say, “I eat at the table” rather than “I eat on the table”. It’s also possible to say, “His office is some distance on from here”, but most English speakers would probably just omit the “on”. In a lot of cases, “on” in English does correspond to पर , so it’s not something to worry too much about.

Now take a look at these sentences:
My son studies in college: मेरा बेटा कालेज में पढ़ता है

I sat in the car : मैं गाड़ी में बैठा

My office is in Delhi : मेरा दफ़्तर दिल्ली में है

The common word in all these sentences is में. If you guessed that the word “in” in English correlates to में, then you’re right! में is the post position that indicates that “college” ( कालेज ), car ( गाड़ी ), and Delhi ( दिल्ली ) will be in the locative...


learn english and hindi 

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